The following article was originally published by Art21 in August, 2017. For more than four decades, Joan Jonas’s interest in producing, emphasizing, and manipulating space and sound has remained constant in her practice. A 1972 article by Janelle Reiring in The Drama Review describes one of… +
The following interview was originally published by Art21 in February, 2017. The survey publication presents complex questions: what to highlight and what to discard? And, perhaps more importantly: how does one communicate one’s self to future audiences? Hans Ulrich Obrist Hear Us (Black Dog Publishing and… +
Amanda Williams, Crown Royal Purple from Color(ed) Theory, Billboard located at 1130 E 63rd Street, Chicago, June 6 – July 11, 2016, as part of In the beginning, sometimes I left messages in the street, curated by Allison Glenn.
The following interview was originally published by Art21 in December, 2016. In the spring of 2016, Allison Glenn curated In the beginning, sometimes I left messages in the street, an exhibition that featured eleven artists and artist collectives who installed works at ten different sites across the city… +
Jorge Méndez Blake. Todos los guiones de Dickinson IV (Poemas 392-530) / All of Dickinson’s Hyphens IV (Poems 392-530), (Detalle / Detail) 2016. Acrílico sobre lino / Acrylic on linen; 320 x 240 cm. Courtesy of the artist.
The following interview was originally published by Art21 in November of 2016. Every book creates a world, a place that readers enter through language on the first page, and inhabit thereafter, as the text’s unique character compounds in an individual’s imagination. This happens with… +
The following interview was originally published by Art21 in October, 2016. Although the seminars of “Anthropocene Campus: The Technosphere Issue” at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin took place months ago (April 14–22, 2016), conversations and collaborations continue to develop and spill… +