The Fuzz

The follow comic was published by The Paris Review in January 2018. It is a collaboration with Anthony Madrid.
The follow comic was published by The Paris Review in January 2018. It is a collaboration with Anthony Madrid.
The following short story originally appeared in Wigleaf. It was a finalist for the Mythic Pizza award. The therapist said, for instance: I notice you bite your fingernails. I notice you twirl your hair when you’re talking. I take it you have trouble making eye contact…. +
My first graphic novel, The Chronicles of Fortune was published by Radiator Comics in 2017. You can pick up a copy here. About the book: Originally published as a series of minicomics, The Chronicles of Fortune is a quirky and idiosyncratic adventure of Fortuna, the greatest superhero who could… +
The following article was originally published by The Seen in September, 2017. In a sense, the Western World presumes to be (always) learning from Athens, espousing Ancient Greece as its point of origin and thereafter presuming a complex blend of familiarity, ownership, and admiration…. +
The following article was originally published by Art21 in August, 2017. For more than four decades, Joan Jonas’s interest in producing, emphasizing, and manipulating space and sound has remained constant in her practice. A 1972 article by Janelle Reiring in The Drama Review describes one of… +