
The Variations of its Shadows: An Interview with Jorge Méndez Blake

Jorge Méndez Blake. Todos los guiones de Dickinson IV (Poemas 392-530) / All of Dickinson’s Hyphens IV (Poems 392-530), (Detalle / Detail) 2016. Acrílico sobre lino / Acrylic on linen; 320 x 240 cm. Courtesy of the artist.

The following interview was originally published by Art21 in November of 2016. Every book creates a world, a place that readers enter through language on the first page, and inhabit thereafter, as the text’s unique character compounds in an individual’s imagination. This happens with… +

Slipping through the net of a metaphor: SITE SANTA FE // MUCH WIDER THAN A LINE

Paolo Soleri (b. 1919, Turin, Italy; died 2013, Paradise Valley, AZ). Amphitheater, c. 1975. Commissioned by the Lloyd Kiva New for Institute of American Indian Arts, 1964. Image courtesy of the IAIA Archives, Santa Fe

Originally published by The Seen, Sept 2016. SITE Santa Fe stands close to the downtown historic district of the city, beside train tracks and Warehouse 21, a haven for artistic youth. Contextualized by a landscape that originally belonged (and still partially belongs) to Native Americans,… +