The following review appeared in Artforum in January, 2015. Bay Area artist Desirée Holman mashes 1960s sci-fi, nineties New Age ideology, and posthuman technology in her solo show “Sophont.” The first room of the gallery features two air-brushed portraits of auras, titled Aura, Annie Besant and Aura, Buckminster Fuller,… +
Sarah Belknap and Joseph Belknap, Exoplanet Skin (1), 2014 and Deflated Moon Skin (1), 2014; Photo courtesy of the artists and MCA Chicago.
The following article was originally published by Artslant on December 18, 2014. The ways by which men arrive at knowledge of the celestial things are hardly less wonderful than the nature of these things themselves. —Johannes Kepler Walking down Franklin Boulevard in Chicago’s Garfield… +
The following article was originally published by Artslant on December 4, 2014. Anastasia Samoylova does not go out into summer fields when she begins a new work of landscape photography. She goes online, haunting public domain photosites for images of picturesque landscapes: sunsets, waterfalls,… +
The following review appeared in Artforum in November, 2014. Despite America’s espoused celebration of family values, the boundary between professional and family life is generally strict, especially within artistic occupations for which “motherhood in particular is often seen as the endpoint of a serious… +
The following interview was originally published in Artslant, in 2014. Xaviera Simmons is a New York-based artist whose practice manifests in performance, photography, sculpture, installation, sound, video, and more. That dynamic interdisciplinary material is fueled by research, contemplation, and feeling, three modes that enable… +